8 Surprisingly Easy Ways to Double Your Affiliate Sales

So, you’ve been blogging for sometime but you are not making sales from your affiliate links.

Or maybe you ARE making sales, but once in a blue moon…
Your links get rarely clicked through or not at all…
You might be thinking it is all because you need more traffic to your site! No, dear. You don’t need huge traffic to your site to earn enough money from your blog!
Yes, but you need ENOUGH traffic to earn money!
Today, I’m going to uncover all the secrets to double your affiliate sales by making just a few tweaks in your blog posts.
No need to have a lot of traffic to your site…
OR the hassle of creating your own products…
You are good at writing blog posts, and you can earn pretty good income by doing that alone. Trust me, when I say this…
Do you want to double your affiliate sales? These simple tweaks to your blog posts will instantly double affiliate sales

Save it for later!


Do you want to double your affiliate sales? These simple tweaks to your blog posts will instantly double affiliate sales Do you want to double your affiliate sales? These simple tweaks to your blog posts will instantly double affiliate sales Do you want to double your affiliate sales? These simple tweaks to your blog posts will instantly double affiliate salesInterested in mastering affiliate sales? These simple tweak to your existing blog posts will double your affiliate sales.Affiliated Blog Posts not making money? These simple tweaks will do the magic. Try them out today.

✅  Click here to read case-study of how this girl made simple tweaks to affiliate links that sky-rocketed ONE blog post’s earnings to $604.47 per month!

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Now, let’s talk about doubling your affiliate sales… Shall we?

Great. Let’s begin.


1. Provide multiple chances

People more often don’t click on the first link they see. They need to be suggested the same product multiple times before they go and actually check that product out. So, give them at least 3 chances to click on the link to check it out.

If your blog post is about a review of a product, I recommend linking to the product at least 7 times throughout the blog post, of course, in a non-spammy way.

If your blog post is not a review post, but you are recommending something to your readers, then I recommend linking to the product at least 3 times, again, in a non-spammy way.

2. Provide a proof

If you’re promoting a product that has visible transformational changes, include those changes as a proof in your blog post.

For example, if the product is a beauty product that removes skin tanning. Show your before and after transformation image as a proof for selling the product.

People are more likely to check out a product if they can see a visible proof that the product actually works.

Again, for instance, your affiliate product promises to increase your website traffic, then show your readers a picture of your traffic transformation before and after screenshots.

This is how your readers are gonna trust you with your recommended products and click through your links.


3. Use words that get clicked

A few words have proven to be working great for getting clicked.

Have a look at this product:

Click here to check out this awesome product!

Did you click on that link? No! Because it does not give you enough encouragement to click on it. People need to be encouraged to click on it.

Now let’s say you were looking for the best gift for men.

You landed on my blog post and after reading a few lines, you read “This specific product is the most popular among our readers.

And then I talk about the awesome advantages of this product and why it is the best gift for a man. And then again I provide a link to that product to give you a chance to check it out. (Remember tip #1?)

Now, you want to click on that link and check out this awesome product. Don’t you?

This is how you inspire people to “click” on your links.

Most of the times once they click through your link, the product’s sales page does the job to convince them to buy. The hardest part is to make people click on your affiliate links. And to do that, you have to use words that make people click on it.

Read this case study where the Jennifer explains how she makes $604.47/month from just ONE blog post after making these “word changes”. She changed “Click here” links to more intriguing links, like the one I showed you above. And she was shocked to see the results of her earnings from a single blog post!

Not just this one change. In her case study, she also shares the best places to put affiliate links in a blog post (People are more tend to click on links at these places).

The best part of this case study is that she also shares some completely unique SEO tips (something that I’ve NEVER learned or read anywhere else) about how she is getting more clicks from Google.

Can you imagine, just a small tweak can improve your Google traffic?

Read her case study here(It will open in a new tab, so you can keep reading this post)


4. Use Images

Studies have shown that people are tend to click on images more often than on links. Linking some affiliate links to your images will get you more clicks.

For instance, you can link to your transformation image, the one that we talked about in tip #2, with your affiliate link. It will help you get more clicks and hence, more sales.

Remember when I said – the hardest part is to get people to click? After they click on it, the sales page itself does the job of selling! And, you earn the commission. Simple.

5. Call to Actions will increase chances of affiliate sales

If your reader makes through the whole post without clicking on any of your links, this is the one thing you need to do. Make a call to action at the end of your blog post to make them to check out the product.

This is also a good habit because if the reader is actually convinced, but wanted to read through the whole post, then he shouldn’t need to scroll all the way to find your link.

If the visitor doesn’t find your link at the end of your post, he’ll not bother scrolling up to find your link.

But will open another tab and make a purchase from there. This will make you lose your sale (after doing all the convincing, you didn’t receive your commission)!

That’s not what you want, right? So, no matter how much you think it would be “hard selling” or something, just put a call-to-action at the end of your blog post. Period.


6. Customers also bought!

Sometimes the reader is not convinced to buy yet. So, rather than letting them leave your website, show them similar products that they can buy. Just like how Amazon does it.

I learned this trick from Jennifer at ratracegrad.com. At the end of her review posts, she adds “Customers also bought” and then links to other 3 similar product reviews. Believe it or not, it works like a charm.

7. Make affiliate links stand out

Your affiliate link should not sit around where your reader cannot notice it. Make it more stand out. Make it bold.

In fact, sometimes you should link more important links like this:

(Look at the part highlighted with red rectangle)

This is an image from xosarah.com blog and her blogging style is pretty amazing. You might wanna check her blog out to learn such pretty simple tricks.

Readers today more likely just skim through blog posts, and don’t read everything word by word. And that is why, you need to make them stop from time to time by putting, what I call, speed breakers like this on your blog posts.

Another example of a speed breaker from Sarah’s blog.

xosarah's speed breaker

You see how she is making her readers stop and read what’s important to read? I’m pretty sure her blog is converting like crazy with these simple tricks she has put on her blog!

Sure, this is not an affiliate link. She has used this speed breaker for her email list growth. But you can use this for your affiliate link, right?

And if you still think your readers won’t click on it, why not leverage the intriguing words from this case study I suggested you before? I guarantee that it will make your readers click on it, and check your product out!


8. Champion Tip

Whenever I visit a website I tend to see what they are doing efficiently. Something that draws my attention would sure draw attention of others as well. And so, I make a note of those things and make sure to make such changes on my blog post.

And I suggest you to do the same as well. Keep your eyes open when you’re reading a blog post.

Did they convince you to buy a product? Look at the factors that worked on you. If they worked on you, they would surely work on your readers as well. Make a point to note it, and make those changes on your blog when you get time.


Earning from a blog is not hard. You just have to find what is working and do THAT. Research on your competitors, research on other successful blogs and see what they are doing efficiently. Make those changes to your blog and analyze the results.

If you have monthly budget for your blog (which you should have), make a point to invest in learning a blogging skill that you need to learn.

If you don’t have the budget, go to Google and read as many articles on the topic as you can. It’s better to invest your time there in the early stages of your blogging in order to get better results.

So, go right now and make these changes to your existing blog posts. If you’ve not already, make these simple tweaks to DOUBLE your affiliate sales even with low-traffic. Then create a new pin for your blog post and pin it to relevant boards to give that blog post a boost. Watch your blog income grow. 🤑

Which of the above strategies do you think has the potential to increase your blog income? Comment below 👇…


Vidhi Makwana

Marketing & Sales Mentor
for Leaders, Coaches & Personal Brands
Trailblaze. Lead. Profit


    • Vidhi Makwana

      Yes, you’re right. This is the MOST vital info for ANYone who is interested in affiliate marketing. Glad to know that you found it useful. Cheers

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