This is how my clients sell-out their programs

Over the last 2 years I’ve worked with a diverse group of business owners from SMMs to art business.

ALL of them have ONE thing in common.

They ALL are experts in their own niches.

They REALLY know their industry, they’re passionate about their work…

They produce really transformative results for their clients

BUT they aren’t signing as many clients as much as they deserve to.

And the problem is that this really messes up with their confidence.

Not signing clients
they think they aren’t good enough (not true)
low confidence
sell with that low confidence
not signing any further clients

All of this just bcz they don’t know how to position themselves as the expert they are!

And here’s what shifts for them when they work with me:

When I review their content, it’s all based on – how-tos, tips, vanilla content.

They’re trying to mimic what the big influencers in their industry are doing (bcz it’s working for them, it should work for YOU as well, right!? WRONG!)

⬆️THIS is your biggest enemy.

❌You don’t wanna blend in with your industry.

✅You wanna stand out. You wanna trailblaze.

And let me tell you the biggest truth:

ALL of my clients have their own uniqueness, they just haven’t figured it out & focused on talking about it yet.

This is the shift we make through our messaging when we work together.

  • We come up with their trailblazing messaging (they already have it in them, we just find it & make it obvious!)
  • We map out different content that leads towards their messaging without feeling repetitive to their audience

And this is ENOUGH to get their audience to start wanting to work with them.

What does this mean for you?

✅It means digging deeper into what makes YOU different…​

✅Questioning WHY things have to be done in a certain way in your industry…

Because conventional wisdom can only take you (& your clients) so far.

Finding how can you trailblaze in your industry, providing that direction to your audience & LEADING them there…

This is exactly what we dive deeper inside The Clients Accelerator 1:1 Program.

As a reminder, there’s a BONUS for everyone who joins before May 15.

BONUS You’ll get access to ANY one of my masterclasses of your choice. I’ve got loads of them for you to choose from to help you sign more clients.

Limited spots before I’m capped!

>> Click here to apply for TCA <<

Vidhi Makwana

Marketing & Sales Mentor
for Leaders, Coaches & Personal Brands
Trailblaze. Lead. Profit

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  • Thank you for
    This is how my clients sell-out their programs

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