6 Best (SUPER Low-Cost) eBooks Guaranteed to Increase Your Blog Traffic

How to increase blog traffic?

There are SO many options for you to get traffic that it might feel a bit overwhelming to just choose from these various options.

And let me tell you that there are more than one ways to get traffic.

And I recommend diversifying your traffic sources.

For example, most of the newbie bloggers start with Pinterest traffic and because that traffic seems really good to them and it works, they get stuck with that alone. But, what happens when Pinterest changes its algorithm?

ALL of them start complaining about the low traffic stats.

So, let me first walk you through just a few different traffic sources you can have:

  • Pinterest
  • Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
  • Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing)
  • Guest Blogging

There are many more, but these are the ones I’m going to talk about in this post.

Before I go categorizing all the low-cost eBooks into the sources of traffic, I want to give you a book that is going to help those of you who are a complete newbie. Let’s start from there, shall we?

Low-Cost eBooks to Increase Blog Traffic-affordable -ebooks-to-increase-blog-traffic

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Best Low-Cost eBook to Increase Blog Traffic Book #1:

The She Approach to Boosting Your Blog Traffic

Struggling to Increase Your PageViews? Check Out This eBook.

If you are completely new to blogging and figuring out where & how to start with this whole overwhelming thing, this guide will help you with everything:

  • setting up your domain
  • choosing your host
  • blog design
  • installing & understanding google analytics
  • creating high value content
  • self promotion
  • Pinterest Traffic
  • Twitter Traffic
  • Building your email list
  • And so much more…

If you’re looking for a whole package about blogging without getting overwhelmed with all the things that blogging includes, this is the best guide I can recommend you to read. It’s an incredibly thorough guide which will help you speed up your blog growth in no time.

This eBook focuses on step by step SEO as well as Pinterest strategy that are customized to your unique needs.

If you’re ready to start a blog or you already have one but can’t find your audience who is actually interested in reading your content, then don’t delay. This book is completely affordable at only $25. Read more about it here.

Category: Pinterest

If your blog is still new, and what you’re looking for is a good amount of traffic? This is the BEST way to increase your blog traffic right away.

But the worst thing is that, when you have “just” started you just don’t know what to do on Pinterest.

When I started out, I’d just put one pin on Pinterest and then let it sit there hoping it would take off. But how? What else I needed to do on Pinterest? I didn’t know!

And when I came across the concept of group boards, again, I didn’t know what to do with them. I’d spam those boards by pinning all my pins at once to those group boards. Then again, spam all pins to other group boards. In fact, this made one of the board owners block me! But, I was so NEW, I just didn’t know what I was doing.

I searched all over the Internet about how to pin on Pinterest and all of them would try to sell me Tailwind.

I knew there was a way without paying tens of dollars to a scheduler.

So, one day I came across this guide. I didn’t buy at first, but then I HAD TO because it was the ONLY guide that taught how to efficiently pin on Pinterest WITHOUT using a scheduler.

I was keep getting redirected to this book (which is now a full-fledged course, but still VERY affordable. Perhaps the only full Pinterest course at THIS price. Check the price here.) whenever I searched anything about manual pinning. So, anyways, I had to purchase it.

This book (now a course) is called Pinteresting Strategies.


Best Low-Cost eBook to Increase Blog Traffic Book #2:

Pinteresting Strategies

Pinteresting Strategies

This book (which is now a course) is written by Carly. She is an amazing mama who boosted her blog traffic from zero to over 20,000 pageviews in just 4 months, with manual pinning!

In her words – she was so desperate to get on the higher paying ads website plan that she HAD TO find a way to increase her pageviews. But, she didn’t want to pay for the schedulers.

So, what did she do?

She experimented! And she found an awesome strategy that works better than schedulers! Read her full story here. (Scroll to the bottom to read her story).

CHAMPION TIP: Even if you don’t purchase her book right now, I’d suggest just get some taste of her writing. Even her weekly emails will open up your eyes. Because she gives VERY honest and real advice that you’ll rarely hear from anyone else. Get access to her Starting a Profitable Blog Course for free here to get a taste of her writing and to get on her email list.

NOTE: If you’re a bit advanced blogger and looking to make money along with increasing traffic, get Carly’s awesome course bundle which includes Affiliate Marketing Course ($75 value) along with her Pinteresting Strategies Course ($47 value). AND, you’ll get her Blogging Planner ($15 value) as a bonus along with it! It’s like getting Pinteresting Strategies AND Blogging Planner for just $10!

Get the Bundle here (it’s for a limited time!)

Blogging Course Bundle

What I liked about Pinteresting Strategies

The best part of this guide is that it is written in simple layman language, which makes it easier for the non-techies to understand everything.

It includes everything about Pinterest and how and where should you pin on Pinterest. It answered every question of mine I had about Pinterest, like:

  • how many group boards to join
  • which group boards to join & how to find the best ones the easy way
  • when to pin on Pinterest
  • which pins should be pinned on Pinterest
  • how to find the best pins to Pin (so that you get more traffic)
  • how to find your website pins saved by others for more exposure

Most of the steps above are the things that are meant to be done manually. You can’t automate these steps. Tailwind (or any other scheduler) cannot find your best pins by itself and then pin it for you. It just has to be done manually.

And that is why Carly has proofs in her book (now a course) that shows that her manual pinning strategy works better than schedulers and drives more traffic than a scheduler does.


What I didn’t like?

Though this course was perfect teaching about manual pinning, which provides great results. What I was still looking for was a solution to organize my pins in a way that I could “know” what to pin the next day.

Carly sure shows a physical sheet which she was using to organize her pinning, but that wasn’t as effective. Because you have to make note of each and every pin in a piece of paper which took more time pinning manually.

So, I was still struggling with manual pinning and finding time to do it. But, when I came across manual pinning organization in Trello, I immediately took the opportunity.

I loved the course so much that I felt like hugging the creator and sent her a thank you email immediately. She made my pinning process so easier.

Read more about organizing your manual pins here.


How to use Pinteresting Strategies

I recommend after you go all the way through the course, you read it once again and also from time to time, so that you don’t miss any steps.

There’s a lot to take in.

You might miss steps, if you don’t go through them again.

Even today, when I read it again, I find something that I haven’t ever tried on my Pinterest. And when I do it, I see great results. So, I recommend you to read this book at least twice.
Here’s a link to Carly’s Pinteresting Strategies.


Best Low-Cost eBook to Increase Blog Traffic Book #3:

The She Approach to Making Pinterest Possible

The She Approach to Making Pinterest Possible

Looking for a scheduler pinning strategy? This Tailwind approved guide will help you with that.

When I came across this book, I thought because of the low-price I cannot get enough from it.

And I was also scared – what if I purchase the book and I find out that I already know everything that’s inside it?

But, the testimonials were very promising, so I end up buying it. And I must say, I did NOT regret my decision.

First of all, her writing style is very thorough and she provides a lot of examples that will help you understand what you need to do step by step.

The most valuable part of the book is when Ana explains her own pinning strategy. She also explains how you can help your popular pins do even better.

She also touches a few things about Tailwind Tribes that helps in boosting your new pins right from the start.

Here are the things that you get access to with her book:

  • A 170+ pages ebook with detailed strategies on how to get started with Pinterest, craft an advanced pinning schedule and boost your blog traffic like a PRO
  • $30 worth of tailwind Credit.
  • Access to 17 case studies from bloggers and biz owners who mastered Pinterest (+ their best kept secrets)
  • Free Video Training: How To Create Stunning Pinterest Graphics And Templates (For Free) In Canva
  • Free Video Training: How To Find, Report, Take Down & Prevent Stolen Pins on Pinterest
  • A Tailwind voucher for new users ($30 value)
  • An invitation to her exclusive Tailwind Tribe

If you use my link to purchase her eBook, you’ll get a discount of $5 on her already crazy low price. Just go through this link and use the coupon code TSA5OFF to get $5 off the price.

Category: Guest Blogging

You might have heard to improve your SEO, you need to have a lot of backlinks. And what do you do for backlinks? Write a guest post!

Do you know what other advantage of a backlink is? Traffic! Your backlinks can get you a lot traffic back to your site.

So, what’s the thing with guest blogging? And how to do it?

Now this is something a very in-depth topic and needs a whole article of its own, so if you want to do guest blogging, this is the perfect guide for you. (It’s not an eBook though, it’s a blog post. But a must-read to increase traffic – easily!)

It explains everything from how to find guest blogging sites, how to come up with articles for guest blogging without spending much time for it, and much more.

A must read for anyone who wants to start guest blogging.
Read it here for free.

Category: Twitter

Best Low-Cost eBook to Increase Blog Traffic Book #4:

My blog traffic sucks by Steve Scotts

8 Simple Steps to Get 100,000 Blog Visitors without Working 8 Days a Week

Twitter is one of the easiest social media (after Pinterest, of course) to gain a lot of traffic from it, according to Steve Scotts.

He is one of those people who believe that you should spend your time only doing things that give you results, and stop doing other things that give you mediocre results.

He is the one who convinced me completely to why guest blogging is a major traffic generator. Plus, he also made me use Twitter for my blog promotion.

He has his own strategy where he only spends 30 minutes a day to promote his online business on Twitter. He also suggests FREE tools in his book to automate some of the parts of Twitter which will make your Twitter growth super-fast.

His guide explains the most important 8 steps that you need to take for increasing your blog traffic.

He explains why other steps that we usually do to “increase” traffic are actually mediocre and we should do these 8 steps instead: guest blogging and twitter are two of them.

What I do to increase my traffic from Twitter:

I automate my monthly tweets with this free tool. Everyday 4-5 tweets are my automated tweets that promote my blog.

Most of the times, I keep reading things on Internet related to my niche. And when I find something very helpful and worth saving, I share it on Twitter for my followers.

Doing this serves 3 purposes.

  1. My followers get a valuable resource and I build a relationship with that article’s owner.
  2. I also comment on that blog post so that the blog owner notices me. This is called networking. (One of the factors that Steve Scott explains in his book as to be important for increasing traffic). He had used these 8 steps to increase his blog traffic to 100,000 blog visitors.
  3. Let me explain my third purpose. Tell me if this has happened to you? You read a very nice article that had really good information, worth saving, but don’t remember the website’s name when you need that information again? This happens to me a lot of the times. I keep recommending many guides to my followers and the best way to store them is on Twitter. I just have to tweet it and then it is there whenever I need it. See? So simple, right?

That is how I found the Guest Posting blog post I just recommended to you.

Category: Google Traffic

Best Low-Cost eBook to Increase Blog Traffic Book #5:

10 Step Blog Post SEO Improvement for Pinterest Bloggers

Oh my Gosh! THIS is a gold mine!

10-Step Blog Post SEO Improvement Plan for Pinterest Bloggers

But before you roll your eyes and they go wide outside my article, let me tell you: It’s not as difficult as you think. In fact, there are only 10 steps to better Google Traffic!

If you have a few pages that rank for some keywords (doesn’t need to be on the first page!), you can increase those chances and rank those posts for more keywords and higher ranks as well. Moreover, you can even rank your other pages by leveraging these pages. Oops!

And this can be done in just 10 simple steps.

Basically what you need to do goes like this:
You publish a blog post.

Promote it the way you would normally.

After a certain number of days, go through this guide on how to get higher ranking for that blog post.

Who should use this guide?

Bloggers who actually have a few number of pageviews coming from Google. This guide is NOT good for very beginner bloggers. You must have at least a few traffic coming from Search engines. Because this is an SEO improvement plan and not an SEO builder plan.


4 Simple Things SMART Bloggers Do During Slow Traffic Seasons.

Category: Instagram

Best Low-Cost eBook to Increase Blog Traffic Book #6:

Instagram Content Strategy

Instagram Content Strategy Book

You might be surprised to see Instagram in Traffic generation strategies post, right?

You might be thinking when Instagram only provides you ONE link, how can you increase your blog traffic from it, right?

Let me make this clear to you.

Instagram has the highest potential to make you an influencer. And you don’t need to be followed by 10s of 1000s of people.

You just need to be followed by people who are interested in what you write about. If that is so, you can be an influencer to a group of 1000 people as well. And those people will check out ANYTHING that you recommend. Yes, don’t get shocked here. But this is the truth.

Instagram has THIS much well-interested audience. You just need to know a few strategies that will help you grow faster.

In a nutshell, you need to focus only on your niche on Instagram.

That way, you will attract very targeted people who will also be interested in your blog content.

Start by sharing useful tips to your audience that will actually help them solve their problems.

One thing that you don’t have to do is to start promoting blog posts in each and every post of yours.


I used to do this in the beginning and let me tell you: the results were NOT good.

Even the people who liked my content would run away from my Instagram posts because it was just too much promotion!

So, just make it 80% helpful content and 20% promotional content.

If you already have an Instagram account which is not working, it means you are using the wrong strategies.

Read this guide to learn the right strategies to use on Instagram. This is the only Instagram guide, in my opinion, that honestly shares an Instagram Expert’s secrets.

You’ll NOT find the strategies explained in this guide anywhere else (Well, because no one shares them).

Here’s a link to this Instagram guide.

Still looking for the perfect guide to increase traffic?

Here are some alternatives:

Traffic Transformation Guide

Traffic & Monetization 5 day mini-challenge

Blog Traffic eBook

Blog Traffic Bonus Guide

Traffic from Pinterest using PIQ strategy – almost instant!

Overwhelmed with all the eBooks?

Need help deciding which guide should you go for? Here are a few pointers:


If you have a tight budget: Pinteresting Strategies

I’d have suggested The She Approach to Making Pinterest Possible, as it seems lower in price than Pinteresting Strategies, but then you’ll have to invest monthly in Tailwind.

So, looking at the longer run, Pinteresting Strategies is MUCH affordable!

If you have a really tight budget: Steve Scott’s My Blog Traffic Sucks


If you are looking for instant results: Again, Pinteresting Strategies


If you are looking for organic traffic (provided that you have some organic traffic already, because this guide will improve your organic traffic & not help you build organic traffic): 10 Step Blog Post SEO Improvement Plan
Adventures in SEO


Instagram Content Strategy


There are many ways to get traffic to your site.

But the point is not to get distracted with those traffic generators that give mediocre results.

Think about it, if you spend your time doing more of those things that give you highest results rather than for those that give you mediocre results, how much more traffic can you get?

You can do this! YES!

Vidhi Makwana

Marketing & Sales Mentor
for Leaders, Coaches & Personal Brands
Trailblaze. Lead. Profit


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