Stories ➡️ Sales Powerhouse Branding

Stories ➡️ Sales Powerhouse

Elevate your stories, activate your audience,
& boost your sales.

On October 2 & October 3

Ready to transform your stories into a sales powerhouse...
so you can get off the revenue rollercoaster & have a sustainable strategy to bring consistent sales in your business?

Then, sign up for this free 2-day training ⏬

THIS training is for you if...

  • Selling on stories feels messy. You’re not sure what should you say on stories that will activate the people watching to buy
  • You’ve got too many brain-pickers in the DMs & not enough action takers
  • You feel like you’re on the hamster wheel of talking about your offers constantly, doubting if the way you’re selling is landing in the right way
  • You constantly wonder… “How can I ensure that the way I sell lands with my audience & activates them to buy?” “Shall I create a plan before starting to sell on stories or think of it daily? What is the right way?”

Instagram Stories Training:

A 2-day training to elevate your stories, activate your audience, & boost your sales.

Here's what you'll learn:

Day 1: Elevating your stories

Uncover the common blindspots & pitfalls holding you back from making sales on Instagram Stories. Discover strategies to elevate your Instagram stories and set the stage for consistent sales.

Day 2: Activating Your Audience and Maximizing Sales

You’ll master the art of activating your audience, building trust & authority with your audience, and making your offers more compelling to your audience so they take action. Practical solutions to maximize your sales potential.

The details:

➡️ When: Monday, October 2nd – Tuesday, October 3rd daily @ 10am CST

“Ohhh, yes I want in the training!”