How to write high-end copy that speaks to high-end clients who wanna work with you without any objections 🥳

We covered:

  • What does a high-end client mean actually
  • What are the traits of a high-end client & how to know that
  • I’ve divided this training into 3 parts:
    • High-end Mindset
    • High-end Offers
    • High-end Sales
  • How to have a high-end mindset to be able to charge high-ticket
  • What does a high-end offer has & how to make your offers high-end
  • How to sell high-end offers?
  • & much more!

Copy to Cash💰 Academy

Copy to Cash💰 Academy Branding

For coaches ready to sell out their high-ticket offers with ease & take their businesses to next-next-next-level with cash creating copy.

This is NOT another content program.

This is high-end copywriting.

Learning the art of writing copy that speaks to high-end clients who are ready to work with you without any objections.

You need to ACTIVATE your audience to buy from you.

Every single content you create is a bridge to take them from where they are, to getting them ready to take action!

  • Are you able to do that!?
  • Are your posts activating ideal clients to buy from you!?
  • Are your stories activating?
  • Are your sales coming in sporadically or you’re getting consistent inquiries?

If this isn’t happening, I’d like to invite you to C2C!

This is for you if:

  • You’re CRAVING to sign high-end clients who are not only easy to coach but also easy to sign up & to be able to do this via your content itself… would be a dream
  • You’d LOVE to plug away from your business & KNOW that your copy is doing the job out there bringing in inquiries for your offers
  • You are ready to dive deep into learning high-end copy once & for all that actually activates high-end clients to take action & sign up with you
  • You want to wake up to notifications of people inquiring for your offer that you posted just last night through the copy to cash templates
  • You have a solid understanding of how to not only position your offers but also sell it in a way that activates high-end clients. No more sitting behind the desk for hours trying to figure out what to say to make sales today! That’s not you anymore!
Inside C2C, you’ll learn:
  • How to tap into a collection of words that your high-end clients align with to use them inside your copy that not only attracts but also brings you… “how do I work with you” inquiries
  • How to infuse storytelling (also – where to find unlimited source of stories to share) that connect with high-end clients & how to seamlessly transition from storytelling into pitching
  • How to turn intangible results into tangible so that it speaks directly to their logical brain & activates them to buy
  • How to hone in YOUR authentic voice in your content so that even your words sound like YOU & people can FEEL you through your words even while you’re out there enjoying your life
  • How to find the gaps in your copy & content & strategies to fill them in
  • The high-ticket mindset deep dive – what to do for different struggling scenarios while going through high-end pricing
  • What types of content attract low-end clients & why you should stop creating them ASAP
  • How to create high-end copy for:
    • Emails
    • Social Media Posts
    • Instagram Stories
    • Landing Pages
    • Sales Pages
  • High-end Copywriting Format & Templates such that it doesn’t make you sound robotic (of course, my templates are never like that) but builds irresistible buying desire for your offers bringing in “send me the link” inquiries
  • & much more (it’s a full-blown course academy! There’s going to be a LOT more than this!)

Early-Bird Bonuses

When you join during this early-bird period (before Tuesday), you also receive these bonuses:

  • Immediate Access to Perfect Pitch Formula Masterclass (value $67)
    Start working on your copy of pitches right away!
  • Immediate Access to Authority Training
    (4-day Training all about how to BE an authority inside out – originally sold for $197)

Copy to Cash💰 Academy Tiers

Tier 1: Regular

The C2C curriculum 

Go through it at your own pace & implement as you go.

$777 PIF   $527 PIF

Tier 2: Premium

You will have 1:1 access to me over a 12 week period. The way you write content will never be the same, & you’ll leave this premium C2C with a SKILL of creating copy that generates CASH into your business.

You receive:

  • 3 months of Elite Immersion membership Level 1 (aka: automatic access to all upcoming masterclasses that I launch in the next 3 months)
  • You get 12 weeks with me – 💫 2 days of private WhatsApp support per week for next 12 weeks
  • You get a content of your choice reviewed by me per week

$999 PIF   $749 PIF

We kick off mid-August.

Choose your tier & pricing:


You have until Tuesday to sign up at early-bird prices & grab the early-bird bonuses!

Price goes up to full regular prices after Tuesday!